Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bullet points...

Went to play bowling alone at MOA. It was fun though I didn't score high. hahaha Somehow it was fun 'cause you can play at your own phase but it'll be much more fun if you play bowling with a lot of friends, especially if they are so giddy and excited.

While driving home, O-Town's All or Nothing payed. I really liked that song. It so classic and you'll just reminisce in an instant. I'm just emo at times. XD

Sometimes  hate it when the weather just changes uprightly. It makes me think of lots of things and makes me feel sad and emo. I just wonder over things, over spilled milk and my o so simple bucket lists.

I'm really contemplating of skipping Copy writing as one of my cognates. I have 4 choices in mind and I might exchange Advertising for Copy writing. I want to take copy writing to bring back my creative writing skills but I don't want to make it hard for me. Advertising is interesting also, plus my other 2 choices for cognates are inclined in the creatives and production side of marketing. So I think it's much more appropriate to skip copy writing.

I just hope that I can make up my mind and not worry much...

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